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Thursday, January 7, 2010

fathers friends and forests

I don't under stand why my father is being so mean to me; he doesn't understand love at all. Why should I have to marry someone I don't love, he is just wasting his money on a wedding. I hope with all my heart that I will be able to marry Lysander, my one true love. If I die then I cannot be with him, but I will be frowned upon if I marry Demetrius and still see Lysander. My other option is to become a nun, but I will not be able to see Lysander if I put myself in that situation either! Helena my best friend is being unsupportive as well, I need her to help me through this hard time and this decision but all she cares about is Demetrius. She blames me for him not loving her, I don't love him I love Lysander and she just doesn't understand! If I married Lysander everything would seem right again and we would all be happy; I would be with Lysander, that is the only true way I could be happy, he would be happy to be with me, my friendship with Helena would be reunited because Demetrius might go back to her. My father is being so selfish. It might be a dream for some girls to be fought over by two men, but I hate the situation! All through the meeting, they were bickering and yelling the whole time. But is my humanity saved? Lysander devised a plan for us to escape out of Athens through the woods; I think it is our only choice if we want to be together. We will run away to his aunt’s house and get married there and no one can stop us. We leave tonight. Oh how I hope this works!

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